Toddlers Outdoors





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Toddlers thrive outdoors. They’ve just learned to walk and the outdoors for them is filled with new things to discover every day. Their curiosity about the world around them is endless. From the tiniest stone or the smallest hole to the excitement of a hill or the force of the wind, toddlers need the variety and stimulation that’s found outdoors. Outdoors they are enthusiastic learners, constantly investigating and experimenting with their world.

In this film we follow six children as they explore their outdoor world as we closely observe what things interest them most and why. We explore how the outdoors perfectly supports their physical, emotional, social and cognitive development. Throughout each of the toddlers adventure we examine the importance for a ‘safe base’ from which the young can explore secure in the thought that a trusted adult is always close by to offer reassurance and support.

Made in collaboration with with Jan White an early years outdoors specialist, we present all current research and theories on outdoor play in a straightforward, easy to understand way. The comprehensive accompanying notes, written by Jan White, help link the developmental theory with practice, expanding on information given in the film and include lots of prompts for developing practice.

  • Gain a deep understanding of what interests a toddler in the outdoor environment and why
  • Understand how their schematic interests are developing
  • Learn how to support, extend and get the most from outdoor play for each unique child
  • See exactly how the outdoors supports all areas of the child's development
  • Become inspired to plan and implement effective outdoor provision

How can I use this video? +

  • In presentations, seminars and lectures
  • Each chapter focuses on one child’s experience of leaning and playing outdoors – great for generating discussion and analysis.
  • An excellent tool for generating discussion and thought about the development of appropriate provision and practice in your Early Years setting
  • Excellent for inspiring effective planning and use of available resources.
  • Accompanying notes, written by Jan White, link developmental theory with practice and expand on information given in the film.
  • The notes include prompts for discussion & guides for developing practice, making this a perfect resource for your in house training & CPD.
  • Short chapters make the film flexible for learning at a time and pace that is convenient.



13 months: With mum he is enjoying independence whilst having a safe base to explore from.


15 months: Playing in the nursery garden with objects and experimenting with movement and spinning.


15 months; In the nursery garden enthralled with forces of nature – effects of wind, movement and blowing dandelions.


18 months: Highly motivated to explore objects and surfaces in the nursery garden.


20 months: In nursery garden experimenting with water and sand whilst nurturing friendships through play.


22 months: Shared sustained thinking with Aunty Sue as they explore the riverbank.

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DOWNLOAD INCLUDES: 1x MP4 HD file (1.6 GB)  + Comprehensive user notes to support your training (PDF download)

PERMITTED USE: Supporting in house training, lectures, research/development work and for supporting presentations


YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO: REPRODUCE, COPY or SHARE Siren Films material in any way – Use on a closed intranet system (academic licenses are available) – Upload, share, embed or distribute any Siren material on the Internet or in any other format – Hold a public, profit making screening (see website for full t&c’s)




With Siren’s instant online access you can rent this training film for 1 week, 3 months or a year. Our most affordable option makes this training accessible to watch on any device to train as many staff members from one setting* as you need. You will need a reasonably fast internet. You can test this by watching one of our trailers. If that works your good to go.

(*Terms and conditions apply – see website for full t&c’s)