Most people are clear about the importance of play, it is essential for children’s development and features prominently in the EYFS, Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence and in the foundation Phase for Wales. However, there still exists a tension about how it is managed in the classroom in a climate of the attainment of targets and testing.
By carefully observing a class of 5 year old school children, it becomes clear that they are capable of fantastic self-directed play that superbly supports their development. You will witness purposeful play in abundance as you get to know individuals and see what really motivates them to learn.
Learn how to provide the best kind of support and stimulus including the environment, adult involvement and peer groups. Look at how to foster motivation to persist, leading to the satisfaction of their own intended outcomes. All of the prime and specific areas of the revised EYFS are in evidence, showing you the real breadth of learning that is taking place.