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Going to Slovakia – ELGs

Olivia is writing with the teaching assistant on the floor in the classroom. There is a large map covered with plastic so the children can write on it. She comes from Poland and her grandparents live in Slovakia. English is her second language.

Good for looking at

  • Literacy
  • Writing
  • Phonics
  • Communication
  • Language
  • Understanding the world

In this clip we see Olivia again.  Remember that English is her second language.  She is writing about a trip to see her grandparents in Slovakia.  She is being scaffolded by an adult, but the script is her own – she is using her phonic knowledge.


  • what phonic knowledge she has
  • what the adult does to scaffold her


Refer back to the ELGs for Literacy

  • This child is working within the writing ELG and will be secure by the time assessments are made. What else would you need to know?
  • What do you notice about how the environment encourages her to experiment with her writing?
  • Which other Early Learning Goals are being demonstrated here?