Aziah plays with paint

Almost four year old Aziah explores the paint at the table with the practitioner. She has a specialist chair which helps support her body while she access's this table top activity. The practitioner watches out for subtle signals from Aziah to help work out what she needs. Aizah has cerebral palsy. Find out more about Aziah and her condition here.

Good for looking at

  • SEND
  • Playing & exploring
  • Messy play
  • Sensory play
  • Painting
  • Using tools
  • Effective adult interactions


  • What cues can you see that show what Aziah is interested in? (Look out for eye gaze, non-verbal and body language)
  • How is Aziah learning? Which areas of development, engagement and characteristics of learning can you observe?
  • In what ways does the adult support Aziah’s learning?
  • How do the materials provided for this activity support Aziah’s learning?
  • How effective is the specialist equipment for supporting Aizah’s specific needs and enabling her to access the activity as independently as possible?