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Adult led play – baby

In this clip you can observe the delight six month old Orson experiences during a sing song session with his Mum. This adult led interaction is rich in learning and development opportunities for the baby. The level of attunement offered by Mum ensures that Orson is fully engaged and ready to learn new language, communication, social and emotional skills along with incorporated movements he is also busy with physical development too.

Good for looking at:

  • attunement
  • PSED
  • songs and rhymes
  • physical development
  • language, speech and communication
  • Non verbal cues
  • parents


  • What cues can you see that show what the child what he is interested in? (Look out for non-verbal and body language as well as spoken language)
  • Which areas of development, engagement and characteristics of learning can you observe?
  • How is the adult supporting the child?