Welcome Siren’s new short courses built by the Early Years Clip Library.
Made with engaging videos and activities, and designed to develop thinking and animated discussion.
Developed to support your team to make changes in your setting that work for your children and relate to current frameworks.
Julie Fisher looks at how adults can tune in to children:
+ To consider how to tune in to children and their learning
+ To gain insight into different ways of tuning in effectively
+ To reflect on the role of the practitioner in supporting children during their play
A 40 minute training session written by Julie Fisher
Jan White looks at how young toddlers cognitive development can be supported outdoors
+ Understand what drives toddlers in their engagement with the world
+ Consider the elements of an enabling outdoor environment that support children at this stage
+ Reflect on how other children and adults can provide the right kind of support
A 40 minute training session by Jan White.
This session looks at understanding and supporting children’s mathematical understanding at home:
+ Look at how maths is all around us every day?
+ Reflect on how many mathematical skills we use every day without realising?
+ Notice how there is much more to maths than understanding numbers?
A 30 minute training session by Dr. Sue Allingham.
This session looks at understanding and supporting physical development at home:
+ What is key to understanding physical development and what does it look like?
+ Why is understanding physical development so important?
+ How can we develop this thinking at home and make our daily life more physical for us all?
A 30 minute training session by Dr. Sue Allingham.
Part 1 of a 6 session series using the clip library to support understanding of the new Education Inspection Framework.
Session one of Quality of Education, looks at Intent, Implementation and Impact:
+ Understand what these words mean in practice
+ Unpick why are they helpful
+ See what they look like in practice
A 30 minute training session by Dr. Sue Allingham.
Part 2 of a 6 session series using the clip library to support understanding of the new Education Inspection Framework.
Session two of Quality of Education, looks at what is meant by ‘Curriculum’:
+ Gain an understanding of the word ‘curriculum’.
+ Understand why the Ofsted definition of teaching and learning is important.
+ Reflect on how ‘cultural capital’ plays a part in an effective Early Childhood curriculum.
A 30 minute training session by Dr. Sue Allingham.
Part 3 of a 6 session series using the clip library to support understanding of the new Education Inspection Framework.
Session one of Behaviour and Attitudes, looks at children’s behaviour and attitudes:
+ Reflect on what affects behaviour and attitudes
+ Understand why the term ‘self-regulation’ is more appropriate.
+ Work on how we can support ‘self-regulation’.
A 30 minute training session by Dr. Sue Allingham.